
Gigabyte RGB Fusion quick fix

This is a quick fix for Gigabyte RGB Fusion bug on Windows 10 systems.

RGB Fusion is a popular software for Gigabyte products, used for RGB lightning control on Gigabyte products and other supported products.


RGB Fusion does not start with Windows, and after you start it manually (by clicking on the icon), it will start and just freeze, with no effect on the lightning. Installing older versions does not help.


Open folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\RGBFusion or whatever installation path you selected during installation, and rename following files:

  • MsIo32.dll to MsIo32a.dll
  • GvLedLib.dll to GvLedLib2.dll

After this, reboot your PC and check to see if everything works now.

This solution is provided by Gigabyte support team, and it appears it works for all types of products supported by RGB Fusion.

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