

SMS Read More

Plugin to monetize WordPress blog content using Fortumo Premium SMS services. Instead of the hidden content, the user is shown a message about the action he has to take to be able to see the content (to send an SMS to unlock the content).
CodeCanyon page

SMS Register

SMS Register is a WordPress plugin for monetizing user registration. If a visitor wants to register an account on your WP website, he needs to send SMS message following displayed instructions. Compatible with BuddyPress and UltimateMember.
CodeCanyon page


Joomla component that makes the management of Fortumo SMS services easy. Set reply, sending instructions, log messages and other info. Handy for users with no coding knowledge comes with the detailed documentation.

Web Apps

EasyF.biz system

Fully custom user registration/management system, created using OO PHP, AJAX, vanilla JS + jQuery. Contains: monthly subscription-based system, administrative dashboard, SMS processing system, reply message configuration feature.


Joomla website with user subscription-based system, with the option of PayPal or SMS payments. Created using custom Joomla extension – PHP – Fortumo SMS gateway.

MajiceOnline.rs поручивање

Simple app for creating t-shirts with custom text, and sending an order to a company email address. Embedded in WP website. Built using: PHP + JS + CSS

Интерни сајт „Musikaliska“ 

Internal website of „Musikaliska“ concert hall in Stockholm. Features: internal news/file sharing system, administration levels, etc. WordPress based, with tons of customized PHP code and custom plugin, + ACF usage, page templates.



TonerExpress copy shop from Obrenovac. Responsive website, built using WordPress and custom design sections.


A simple personal blog where a girl from Russia shares her experiences living life in Serbia. Used WordPress and custom child theme.


Web development/design agency website based on WordPress, with customer support portal, and OpenCart based shop (shop discontinued).


Classified ads website, with custom-built option to extend ads display time or adding VIP status by using an SMS message. Built using WordPress (previously OSClass), custom PHP, and WPAdverts plugin.


WordPress based website dedicated to resources that makes life easier for people who use Cyrillic script in everyday life and electronic communication.


Real estate agency website. One of my first websites built in 2011. The heavily modified theme is still running and compatible with PHP 7.2 and latest WordPress.


Sports equipment shop, based on WooCommerce, with a custom system of printing shipping labels and PDF ready-for-print reports and receipts.